Rahimafrooz Battery

Rahimafrooz Battery

We provide home delivery services of Rahimafrooz IPS, inverter devices, and other products through taken product by authorized dealer of Rahimafrooz . This product delivery services for Bangladesh Local Market which is very much popular & good in quality & well accepted to the Customers over the years. We also ensure the home delivery services for all Types of Instant Power Supply (IPS) – that locally demanded for Customers in Bangladesh. Despite the IPS services we do cover diesel engine generator and Gas Generator sales also. We also make sure the sales service for Customers in Bangladesh. We distribute world’s best Pramac Generators, Ferbo Energy from Italy, Volvo Penta Engine of Sweden. The world renowned Brand Mitsubishi Diesel Generator, Perkins Engine of UK, Mecc-Alte of Italy Alternator import in Bangladesh. We import also Online UPS, UPS and UPS battery, Instant Power Supply (IPS) inverter with 1 year warranty. All type of Rahimafrooz IPS packages here with one year warranty:


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